Chef Eyal Shani surprises with a political solution to the security situation. In a letter he posted on his Instagram page, Shani calls for giving Netanyahu another four years, after which he will undertake to retire from political life.
Will the political solution come from Eyal Shani's kitchen?
The chef associated with the Israeli left, Eyal Shani, a judge on the reality show "Master Chef".
posted a post to Instagram in the midst of the struggle, in which he offers a political solution to the situation.
"Bibi. That we are stuck with you anyway, I have a great idea, for you, for me, for all the people of Israel." A second reporter added:
" You are smart, you have decided to bring the situation to an end.
The left can not connect to the extreme right that will connect to the Arabs, it just does not work in the moment of truth.
You knew it before all of us, only the price we pay for this truth you brought upon us is unbearable.
Inferno of hundreds of rockets fired at Israel, and an entire nation – our neighbors who are subject to aerial bombardment.
And the country is on fire from a civil war.
This is a terrible human tragedy, Bibi, a cycle of blood that you are the only one who can break. "
Eyal Shani's solution to the situation: "Bibi's press conference".
Shani offers Netanyahu a press conference at which he will announce that this is his last term and after that, he will retire from political life.
During this period, Netanyahu will not have to deal with legal discussions.
and during this period he will undertake to bring about a peace agreement with the Palestinian people.
" After all, you are an expert in creating an unbelievable reality.
You will then win the Nobel Peace Prize.
Bibi. Remember the history of the people of Israel as a man who redeemed his country and its neighbors from the suffering
of generations and promised the life of our country forever "Shani concludes his proposal.
Who are you, Eyal Shani? The Whisperer to Tomatoes
Shani's full name is Eyal Tuvia Mordechai Shani.
He was born in Jerusalem 62 years ago in 1959.
He started his career at a restaurant in the Ayalon Mall in Ramat Gan.
and is currently the owner of the Buffet Restaurant in Tel Aviv and a judge on Master Chef alongside Michal Ansky.
Haim Cohen, and Israel Aharoni.
Shani is known for his statements and rave reviews as well as his love of vegetables.
Emphasis on tomatoes.
And eight years ago he opened a very successful branch of the buffet restaurant in Paris.

Eyal Shani calls for an end to the bloodshed
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