Maya Buskila, the singer and mother of Lenny Buskila, posted an exciting post on Instagram after a night of tears that came after watching the abuse videos at the kindergarten in Ramla. "I was really anxious." Busquila wrote.
Maya Buskila, the singer and one of the most well-known slavish women in Israel, finds it difficult to fall asleep after a night of tears in which she watched the shocking videos of child abuse in a nursery in Ramla while thinking about her son Lenny. Last night, the court allowed the publication of shocking videos from the "Tuli" kindergarten in Ramla in which nine facts and aides are seen allegedly abusing toddlers. Documentation from the security cameras shows harsh scenes when the facts arrested last night were seen beating the innocent children, throwing objects and shoes at them, and firming them tightly on the mattresses.
" A night of tears, that the heartburns and the eyes refuse to believe at the sight of the atrocities. Talking to myself and asking .. why are you watching this video? Do you know that you are sensitive … How on earth do such people exist? Is it even possible to call them human beings ??? " Busquila wrote in a post she posted on her Instagram page.
" How women and more with children can hurt a pure, helpless baby, who does nothing in this world but spread light and happiness to his environment. There have been times like this, but what if I was not there once and something like this happened? " Busquila added.
" After these atrocities, you no longer believe in anything. How much evil, how much pure evil, until when? How long the hell are such people going to roam among us? The hand is waved wickedly when the punishments on the other hand are so light compared to such acts of darkness. So sad for me … I can not calm down! Well well what is it to abuse children! ".
The singer finished the moving post and explained all the reasons for her insomnia.