Dana Frieder Actress and TV presenter Dana Frieder, last night together with senior members of the hamburger restaurant chain BBB celebrated the launch of Burger Trip 3, a new network series, which includes 3 episodes, filmed in Argentina.

דנה פרידר הגיעה לסניף הרשת ברחוב הארבעה בת"א, שם נחשף לראשונה המסע של דנה פרידר והשף הראשי אילן פנחס, אשר יצאו למצוא בארגנטינה את ההמבורגרים הטובים ביותר.

Dana Frieder
Photo: Elad Gutman Dana Frieder
The campaign in question is part of an ongoing 3-year campaign, with every year Dana Frieder travels to different places in the world – such as major cities in Europe, New York and Argentina – meets selected local chefs, and brings selected burgers from the same destinations to the chain's restaurants in the country.
Dana Frieder
On the right, Dana Frieder, Ahuva Turgeman, Yael Har Even. Photographer Elad Gutman
The event included mingling, a screening of the three episodes of the chain series, and a tasting of the three burgers from Argentina, which will be launched online immediately after the holidays.
Yael Har Even, Deputy CEO of the BBB Group, opened the event and said: "With all my heart and all modesty, I do not know other Israeli food chains that invest so much in advertising, year after year, on so many platforms, and with high investment budgets. We recognize the value of advertising, know it contributes to us and the franchisees and believe in our moves. "In her remarks, Yael thanked the partners for their faith, cooperation, help and advice.
Dana Frieder, who returned from a vacation she spent with two childhood friends, at surfing sites in Panama and Costa Rica, signed off on the event and said: "Equal and I also ate the best burgers in the world. Thanks to my choice as the presenter of the BBB chain, I came to places and restaurants that I would not be sure to visit, such as the Argentinian restaurants."
Celebrate and enjoy the new burgers: Ahuva Turgeman from the chain's owners and CEO, Ron Shulman from the chain's owners, Yael Har Even Mishna for the BBB Group's CEO, Sharon Shapira's VP of Marketing, Ilan Pinchas Chief Chef and BBB's VP, Maya Bartel, BBB Network Marketing Manager, Boaz Pesco and Tomer Gidron, CEOs and partners in the advertising agency the box, Yiftach Hotzav, the network's series director, Ben Zinderman and Zavik Turner, CEOs and owners of the IDEA branding and design firm and others.

She divorced din Aviv after 4 years together in a not easy parting even though they remained in a good relationship and this could be a great reason to start eating the adults


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