Model Alexa Doll, who has become a mentor to a healthy lifestyle, bravely reveals the struggle for a decade with bulimia and eating disorders and says:" I have become a sad person. Throw away the weight ".
Alexandra Dolzhikov,
27, whom we all know as Alexa Doll, who participated in the reality show "Race to the Million," and "Survival" has recently revealed a difficult struggle with eating disorders for many years.
The model who started her career on-screen as part of the "Race for a Million" together with Raz Salzman
(now Ella Ayalon's partner) served as a presenter for the Israeli lingerie chain Go Ender,
and for a variety of companies and also appeared on dozens of covers of reputable magazines in Israel.
And the world bravely revealed the difficult struggle with eating disorders and bulimia both
in a post on its Instagram page and in an extensive article published,
on Saturday in the seven-day newspaper of Yedioth Ahronoth.
"The desire to live has decreased along with the weight."
In a revealing post on Instagram, Alexa Doll wrote:
As the weight goes down, so does my desire to live.
The more I lost weight, the sadder I became.
The more I lost weight – I just wanted to lose more and more…
The more I lost weight I saw a fat and sad-looking girl – the more I lost weight my reality became more distorted.
Do you think to yourself that if you lose 5-6 pounds your life will be happy?
All your problems will get rid of?
Because I was there … and it did not happen. "
For the past decade, my life has been a roller coaster.
Emotionally and in terms of weight.
I never got my body.
I never liked what I saw.
I always let this little square that shows the numbers run my life.
All my life I chased after a number. All my life I have abused my body only to see the number "holy."
I thought, no, I was sure! That when I reach weight – love myself.
Just a pity no one bothered to tell me 10 years ago that this little number down there has no meaning.
That this number is a liar. That this number varies from device to device. From day to day, from minute to minute.
Perhaps I would have saved myself years of pursuing the impossible.
All my life I have lived a lie. And I will give " Doll wrote.
So, here I am..just another girl who went through a hard life because of eating disorders.
Because of bulimia, anorexia, and depression. Here I share with you – that all my life I have pursued something that made me more miserable. And here I am today.
For the past year, I have been happy over my head that I have stopped chasing the number.
I began to pursue happiness.
Freedom. Power.
" Finally, Doll writes: "
When I finally realized that the weight was lying to me. Which is not a measure of anything. That he blinds me.
I ended the relationship with him. And just like in a destructive relationship, I learned to live again. Own. I started to open up.
I realized that only a healthy lifestyle will bring me happiness.
What is my message to you? Open your eyes.
Make a profound change – in your habits in life. In your speech to yourself.
Strive to be strong and healthy and not thin.
And do me a favor? Throw away the weight. It, therefore, destroys life. "
Alexa is more beautiful than ever:
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